Out-of-State Drivers & DUI in Las Vegas
Working with an Experienced Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
Thousands of people from out of state flock to Las Vegas every day, whether for work, celebration, or just to have fun and unwind. It's rare when a guest to Las Vegas doesn't consume at least some alcohol. While many people walk or take advantage of the city's countless cabs after drinking, others think they are fine to drive. What they don't realize is the Las Vegas Police Department is very strict about drinking and driving, and patrols are often deployed for the sole purpose of finding and arresting DUI offenders.
Protections for Non-Residents
Residents and non-residents of the state can be charged for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Law enforcement is always on the hunt and will strategically place themselves along the strip where they know they are likely to catch many people.
A conviction will depend on the specific influences of the case and can result in:
- Jail time
- Expensive fines
- License suspension
When a driver from out of state is arrested, the situation can differ.
Interstate Drivers' License Compact
Unfortunately, what happens in Vegas doesn't necessarily remain in Vegas. Nevada is part of the Interstate Drivers' License Compact, an agreement between 45 states to share information if a driver from another state is charged with DUI or another traffic offense. This means that if you are from a state that is also a member of this compact, the authorities in Nevada will contact the authorities in your home state.
Consequently, you will face the same penalties and legal repercussions you would face if you were caught drinking and driving at home. Get help from our Las Vegas DUI lawyer right away for help fighting your charges.
Why Choose My Firm to Fight Your Case?
It is important that you do not ignore your charges and pretend like they never happened. Because of the Driver's License Compact, your state will be notified and you are likely to face legal penalties until you address your charges in Nevada. An out of state charge can be costly and inconvenient.
Not only does it ruin the vacation of many when they are arrested, but their driving privileges are restricted and they face fines, some may need to return to the state to deal with the charges. A Las Vegas out-of-state DUI defense attorney, such as myself, understands the ways to defend against these allegations and in some cases, can even work with clients out of state, allowing them to not have to make a returning trip.
Call today for representation!

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See How We've Helped Other People
Not Guilty Verdict DUI
Case Dismissed Domestic Battery
Reduced to Reckless Driving DUI
Case Dismissed 2nd DUI
Reduced to Reckless Driving DUI

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