Las Vegas Unpaid Casino Marker Defense Attorney
Las Vegas Casino Debt Defense Attorney
People are always shocked to learn that in Nevada you will be charged with a felony if you fail to timely repay a casino marker. The Nevada felony theft statute includes a provision that if you fail to repay a marker in the ordinary course of business then it is evidence of intent to defraud the casino.
So, what should you do if you are contacted by the casino? Initially, you can get a Las Vegas casino marker crime attorney involved to represent you in negotiating a payment plan or debt payoff. You should not ignore the letters from the casino. More importantly, if you receive a demand letter from the District Attorney, do not ignore this. Failure to communicate could result in an arrest warrant. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is to stop the criminal process.
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Actual Case Result:
Client had $4 million in markers to various casinos. Over a five year period client repaid approximately half of the markers and the State dismissed the case.
What Is a Casino Marker?
A casino marker is a line of credit establishments extend to you. Basically, it’s a cash advance that allows you to gamble without having to carry around large amounts of cash. Although the marker is an interest-free loan, casinos expect you to have in your bank account the amount that you are getting a marker for. After you have applied for the marker, you can borrow money from the casino and sign a form, which states that you agree to pay back the amount later (usually within 30 days).
What Is the Unpaid Marker Collection Process?
To get a casino marker, you must fill out a credit application, listing your bank account information. If you fail to pay back the amount you borrowed on the loan, the casino will attempt to collect funds from your account. If you do not have sufficient funds, the casino will send you a letter stating that you have outstanding debt and have 10 days to respond to the notification. Failing to respond to this letter will result in the casino making a formal complaint against you with the District Attorney’s Office. The DA will send a notification demanding payment for the loan amount and additional fees/penalties. You must respond to the letter within 10 days. If you do not, an arrest warrant will be issued in your name.
Arrest Warrant Filed Against You?
Also, once the arrest warrant is filed, if you are picked up on an arrest warrant, the District Attorney will extradite. Again, the further along in the proceedings you wait to involve an attorney, the more difficult it will be to set aside a warrant. Often if you are in custody, the District Attorney will seek a larger cash bail for your release.
What Are the Consequences of Failing to Pay a Casino Marker?
You could face serious consequences if you do not pay back a casino marker. If you have insufficient funds to cover the total of a marker of less than $650, you could be charged with a misdemeanor. The penalties for this offense include up to 6 months in jail and up to $10,000 in fines. If the marker was for $650 or more, you would face a category D felony charge, which is punished by up to 4 years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines. In addition to criminal penalties, you will also be required to repay the entire amount of the outstanding marker and administrative fees.
Contact our Las Vegas casino debt lawyer at (702) 430-7531 about your legal matter today!

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